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13 May 2019

Quantemol and the Climate Change Emergency

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Deteriorating climate conditions are resulting from the increase of CO2 and CH4 in the atmosphere, creating a greenhouse effect and heating up the planet.

Out of the past 22 years, 20 of them have been the warmest years on record according the World Meteorological Organisation. Weather changes are leading to the mass extinction of many species, and even humans might be on the list if we do not act quickly.

The Committee on Climate Change (CCC), the official adviser to UK government and devolved administrations in Scotland and Wales, published a 277-page advice document recommending 0 emissions of CO2 by 2050. Controversially, the extinction rebellion activists demanded governments to act precipitately to reduce emission to 0 by 2025.

The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) asserted that we have only 12 years to make a difference and prevent the increase of the atmosphere by 2Co or more degrees in comparison to pre-industrial times.

Every business should evaluate its impact on the climate change challenge. Quantemol’s mission is to reduce experimental testing, and by designing virtually reduce waste.

Quantemol is further committing to supporting research to deploy plasmas to combat pollution and develop clean energy technologies. These include gas abatement, recycling and clean energy as follows

Gas abatement

  1. Carbon capture and CO2 conversion using plasma, with up to 90% efficiency
  2. Toxic waste abatement using plasma
  3. Air and water purification using plasma


  1. Plasma arc recycling

Clean energy

  1. Plasma fusion - move to clean energy

  2. Plasma in the manufacturing of solar panels to provide clean energy

Ecological alternatives

  1. Plasma treated water to replace traditional pesticides in agriculture, aiming to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions by 3 % and act as a fertiliser

The challenge is to develop new and better technologies. The Quantemol team is committed to progress research addressing climate change.

Please contact us at info@quantemol.com to discuss collaboration.

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